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Eliminate the need to implement complex solutions, buying costly equipment every few years, or paying IT staff to implement and manage it.  Whether you are a small business or large enterprise, you will have accounting information or other confidential data that requires encryption and offsite replication in order to ensure fulfillment of government mandates. T1DS offers enterprise class state of the art solutions, at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.  As an authorized IBM and VMWare Service Provider, T1DS can offer these services on a pay per use scale, eliminating overhead while utilizing Award Winning Technology and Solutions.


​Offering Centralized Backup Services.


Managing your companies data has become an expensive and time consuming proposition.  Mobile devices, remove offices, and government mandates on privacy and data retention add to the burden.  Increased bandwidth, encryption technology, and availability requirements have made cloud computing a natural solution.  No more hardware or software purchasing required, eliminate obsolete tapes and equipment, and implement data retention policies to suit your companies needs. We set you up, automate the process, monitor your backups, and provide unlimited support when needed.Your data is scheduled to backup when you like and as often as you like.  Your systems are scanned, changed data is copied, encrypted, compressed, and transferred offsite securely to our facility located in Canada.  You then have secure access to your files online 7 x 24 x 365. 




​Centralize Collaboration Suite.


Have you ever had the need to access your data and you weren't in front of your personal computer?  Or wanted to share files, your schedule or other information with co-workers or your clients.  T1DS offers Zimbra Collaboration Suite hosting services.  Centralize your organizations emails in 1 location at your office or in the cloud.  Utilize your existing email software (or download our FREE desktop application) and then sync it to an offsite copy which can then be securely accessed remotely from anywhere.  Sync with your mobile device, eliminate the need to back up this information, take advantage of it's e-Discovery capabilities which allows you easily search within all of your organizations files, emails and schedules to find what you're looking for.


​Host Your Server In The Cloud.


Eliminate the need to purchase equipment, pay staff or an IT company to set it up and manage it for you, deal with backing it up, or making sure staff can access it from outside the office, or don't have the inhouse expertise.  T1DS as a VMWare Services Provider can host your server in our online environement which allows us to scale your servers resources as you need it.  Pay only for the configuration you need, and we can upgrade or downgrade the server specs as your requirements change.  T1DS provides dedicated hosting as well as virtual hosting.  Also an excellent option for offsite failover if you are not able to access your server for any reason.  


​Review Your Short & Long Term Data Management Needs.


As data continues to grow at an astounding rate, managing one of your organizations most important assets... your data, has turned into a time consuming and expensive proposition.  Managing this data as it grows and removing old and obsolete data is critical in keeping storage and management fees to a minimum.  Utilities and Archiving can automate this process, and streamline your data management requirements.  By implementing the right solution now, you will avoid long term threats including data loss, breaking privacy laws, reducing downtime if disaster hits.  Whether you're looking for an inhouse solution, or outsourcing your Data Management, T1DS can provide you with unbiased options to help you implement a solution that won't keep vulnerable to human error or hardware failure.  You lose your data, you lose your business.  It's as simple as that!





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